Inclement Weather Policy
From time to time weather issues may have an impact on services at First Baptist. When these events occur, we will follow these general practices:
A) Weekend services: The Deacons, Pastor and Staff will communicate on the situation and make a call based on current weather conditions. We will usually lean toward NOT cancelling Sunday morning services if any surrounding families can attend. Those who may have to travel icy roads or through hazardous conditions to get to FBC are encouraged to stay home during these times rather than risk an accident. In those cases we will have worship with those available.
B) Weeknight services and meetings: The staff and/or team leaders for groups meeting will determine these on an individual basis. As a general rule, if the school system closes due to the weather, FBC will also.
POSTING: When a decision is made about altering or cancelling a service due to weather, we will post that news on both our website and our facebook page and send out a call or text from our automated system. When possible we will also send out an email through our prayer chain/news network. Please note that you must request to be put on this list by giving our office your email address.